Running a small business is a demanding task, requiring you to wear many hats, from managing operations to marketing and customer service. Among these responsibilities, bookkeeping and accounting are crucial for the financial health and sustainability of your business. While it may seem daunting, effective financial management doesn’t have to be overly complicated. Here are […]
An HSA Can Also Be Used to Save for Retirement
Health savings accounts (HSAs) were created as a savings vehicle to help people pay out-of-pocket medical expenses. If qualified, you can establish an HSA in much the same way you establish a traditional savings account or an individual retirement account. You can open one with a lump-sum payment or through regular contributions, usually through paycheck […]
Saving for Two
An employer’s 401(k) plan (or similar retirement plan) can be a good way for people to save for retirement. But what if your or your spouse’s employer doesn’t offer a retirement plan? According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics,* 69% of private sector workers have access to a workplace retirement plan. Since most people […]
Diversification: A Tool to Temper Risk
Market volatility is a given in the investment world, so employing strategies to cope with fluctuating market values should be a priority. Diversification — spreading your money among many different investments and investment types — is one such strategy.1 Although you can’t eliminate volatility, diversifying your investment portfolio may help you manage it. A First […]
7 Effective Strategies for Small Businesses to Boost Lead Generation
In the highly competitive landscape of small businesses, generating leads is crucial for sustaining growth and ensuring long-term success. However, with limited resources and budgets, it can be challenging for small businesses to navigate the complex world of lead generation. Fortunately, there are several effective strategies that small businesses can implement to increase their leads […]
Help Your Working Teen Get a Jump-Start on Saving
You may have a teen in your family who holds down a part-time job or works full-time during the summer. You can help your child lay the groundwork for future retirement security early on by encouraging your child to open an individual retirement account (IRA). You may, or may not, get some resistance, especially if […]